Industrial development is important for any economy as it promotes fast development of an economy and generates employment opportunities in the region. The economic growth followed by the industrial development led transform of the economy by creating infrastructure and making available the basic facilities like transport, banking, health care institution, educational institution, and so forth. Ramgarh is an important industrial district of East India. Several mineral-based industries like steel, sponge iron, cement, refractory and thermal power plants are established due to the availability of Coal and other minerals. The present study aims at analyzing the level of industrial development of the Ramgarh district and how significantly it has contributed to the development of the region. This study also aims at examining the level of environmental pollution created by the major industries in the region. This study is based on the secondary data collected by various governmental sites, various research papers, newspaper articles etc. and results are highlighted with suitable cartographic techniques. Through this study, it has been found that thermal power plant and coal industries significantly contribute to the employment generation in the region. In spite of being blessed with abundance of natural resources and industries, the region is still backward in terms of wholesome development. This backwardness needed to be addressed by the Government soon. The development of Ramgarh district can turn it into one of the major industrial regions on the map of India. Keywords: Economic Development, Environment, Industry, Minerals, Ramgarh
“If blood is the price of independence, Bangladesh has paid the highest price in the history.†- London Times, 1971
The under-resourced court systems and jurisdiction issues coupled with high levels of corruption in the West African region make it the perfect sanctuary for maritime piracy. A world heavily dependent on trade cannot afford it getting disrupted by piracy attacks. It is therefore essential to understand what variables fuel piracy so that the aggrieved parties can find feasible solutions. The paper analyses the ambiguous legislation relating to piracy that probably aids the same and its impact on international trade in the Gulf of Guinea. A convergent parallel design approach was adopted to find out the dynamics between piracy, legislation and international trade. The paper concludes that unified laws and investment in effective execution is the way forward. Moreover, as the piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is highly adaptable in nature, there should be instruments in place that ensure legislation doesn’t become a limitation to the effective enforcement of the law. Keywords: Petro-Piracy, Conventions, spatiotemporal agglomeration, Legislation, Criminal Intent, International trade.
The uncertainties of climate change on human society, is reflected in global climate governance. Some countries join global agreements, some do not join, some do not ratify, some fall out of them and some require immense persuasion to join. These ripples make the LDCs and developing countries scared of the repercussions of climate negligence. In this backdrop, the global initiatives by India makes it a voice of developing countries. India is a South Asian regional power striving to change the shape of global climate governance by aligning with BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) nations. India’s announcements of global alliances on climate change, like the International Solar Alliance(ISA) raises hopes for global politics. Since 2009 Copenhagen summit, BASIC nations gained an active voice in climate negotiations. In the recently concluded Glasgow summit(COP 26), they created an impact with strong commitments for a sturdy climate regime. The global focus towards BASIC nations on issues of climate change has increased since pulling out of United States (US) from 2015 Paris agreement. These countries of Global South come from a similar past, share common problems, and therefore, may move towards similar climate future.
The ongoing geo-political churning in international politics reflects shifting focus and changing dynamics of great power rivalry in Asia. The rise of resurgent China on the global front today is coinciding with concerns for regional and international security, which have been exacerbated by the re-emergence of Taliban in Afghanistan after two decades of hiatus. The hasty American withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, is perceived to be not only yet another failure of its democratic engineering, but also is considered to be an act of callous attitude towards the region that might jeopardize international peace and security. The American exit is viewed by many as a victory of global jihadists, who will now be emboldened by Taliban’s self proclaimed triumph over American imperialism. This paper tries to decode the underlying geostrategic compulsions of USA in the present time, when an expansionist and belligerent China is posing a serious threat to its hegemonic dominance. It further delves into examining the possible repercussions of American withdrawal from Afghanistan both at the regional and international level, which might give a fillip to international terrorism. The paper further analyses the shifting balance of power in this volatile region that has profound impact on India’s security and explores possible solutions through international intervention. Key Words: Geopolitics, Regional Security, Hegemonic Dominance, International Peace, Global Terrorism, Taliban
Food today has become a means of empowerment which also brings the idea of identity politics. Food politics has begun to influence the political scenario of the country. There has been a shift in the whole discourse. Food security has now been considered part of basic Human Rights since it is being studied relating to one’s individual or religious identity. However, food often appeared to be the reason behind conflicts between two religious groups- The Hindu and The Muslim since the British rule. The cow slaughter practice resulted in communal conflicts in India, which is still being witnessed in the country even after Independence. Numerous religious and political movements have been raised from time to time for the protection of cows, whose slaughter has been vehemently opposed by Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Zoroastrians and Sikhs. In fact, historical records proved that both Hindus and Muslims on the one hand supported the need of “cow protection†and, on the other hand, viewed “cow slaughter†as religious freedom. Before the Britishers’ propaganda of using cow sacrifice as a part of the divide and rule policy to create a communal divide, cow slaughter never resulted in communal conflicts. The cow protection movement became more active since colonial times, which gave rise to ‘Hindu Nationalism’. This resulted in cow-related riots and violence, which became the main source of communal conflicts in India. Keywords: Cultural Identity, Cow-Protection, Cow-Slaughter, Hindu Nation- alism, Human Rights, Religious Conflicts, Supreme Court.